Sculptures in the Media

From time to time, I appear in the media. Here you can find the most interesting articles, interviews, and media coverage. Read about all the news, inspirations, and projects that have caught the public's attention.


Metal Sculptures in the Media


Click on the company logo to open the article.


Estate & BusinessZInto the Mysterious World of Metal Sculptures – The Story of Jakub Čavoj and His Unique Creations


Estate & Business

Innovation:  Into the Mysterious World of Metal Sculptures



Forbes: Metal Sculptures. Transforming Your Home, Office, and Company Headquarters into Unique Spaces, Says the Artist


forbes logo - Galerie Rudolfinum

Reflex: Into the Mysterious World of Metal Sculptures: The Story of Jakub Čavoj and His Unique Creations


Soubor:Reflex logo.png – Wikipedie Into the Mysterious World of Metal Sculptures – The Story of Jakub Čavoj and His Unique Creations


Každodenně: Original Creations in the World of Metal Sculptures


GoldMedia: Originality and Deep Meaning in Metal Sculptures



SvětDnes: Recycled Design that Captivates – Metal Sculptures Metal Sculptures Bring Exclusivity to Interiors and Exteriors


Inodpady: Creating Sculptures from Metal Waste and Small Scrap through Upcycling



City Press: Metal Sculptures as Living Entities



Black Press: Fascinating Combination of Strength and Elegance in Metal Sculptures


Czech News: Unique Metal Sculptures from the Fantasy World



I-NovinářMetal Sculptures Inspired by Sci-Fi Movies






If you are interested in a press release, report, or photographs, let me know at: