My achievements



  • First exhibition of 5 larger sculptures at the Lapidarium of the National Museum in Prague


  • Exhibitions in European galleries and the Steel Figures Gallery (sculptures sold in Germany, Poland, and Czech Republic)


  • Start of advanced replica production, basic automation of sculptures, and expansion of the range to include design accessories
  • Renting sculptures abroad


  • Initiation of collaboration with sponsor Narex and realization of exclusive custom projects for famous personalities
  • Interior furnishing of the VIP section for Arena Pilsen in Plzeň


  • Interview for TV station Prima COOL, article in the magazine Svět Dnes - "Recycled Design That Captivates."
  • Series of videos Adolfeen Roxtar
  • Charity fundraiser Spolunadraka


  • Exclusive production of the main entrance reception and an exterior sign for the Aliens vs Predators Experience Museum in Kutná Hora.
  • Exclusive corporate projects, e.g., Recycling, AZ Lešení, Strana, etc.


  • Expansion of collaboration with Narex
  • Start of collaboration with ALFA IN
  • 8 million annual user reach across all social networks
  • Creation of a unique musical section for Kvantario - the largest sci-fi and VR park (guitar, drums, and piano)
  • Lion sculpture for Donovaly, Slovakia. Sculpture for Czech Virus character


  • Sponsors: ALFA-IN, SON, FLEX
  • Sale of 10 large sculptures
  • Exhibition in Essen, Germany
  • Collaboration with Action Park Prague


  • New E-shop
  • Articles about sculptures and the artist for Czech magazines: Reflex, Forbes, E15, Estate and Business, Innovation
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